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New London light - gin - 70cl

ArtikelNummer: 808871

New London light - gin - 70clAanbieding

Taste: We don’t just want to focus on how it tastes, but we really want to convey that NLL tastes fantastic. Better than anything in the category. Taste has not been compromised, despite removing alcohol. Taste is what we do well. Non-Alcoholic: There is no other product in the category like this. No alcohol, doesn’t mean no taste or enjoyment. Less is more. Clarity: Clarity is everything. Clarity of flavour. Clarity of mind, clarity of spirit, clarity or purpose etc. Clarity even of the liquid itself – a lot of liquids are cloudy. Health: You lose nothing with this product and gain everything, especially health. Health benefits in choosing a no/lo, but in also particular botanicals that have various health benefits.

€ 32,50 € 29,50
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